Thursday, September 4, 2008

Get Off Your Ass....

Damn it's been a long time since I've posted. Well, that's probably why I haven't made much money in my Internet Marketing efforts. I've proven that I'm able to make money from Ebay auctions and online, but I've just not been able to get the wash, rinse and repeat going.

I freely admit that to a major degree, I'm lazy. Left to my own devices, I'll do anything but work. That said, if I believe in something enough, I'll keep at it until I get it done. The steps might be small, but I will make progress.

I hitch hiked across country in 1975. I overcame getting ripped off my first night out. I ran out of money and spent a couple of weeks in Plano, TX raising some money. Took me a month to get there, but I made it to California. There are other examples of my being tenacious about something and keeping at it until I accomplished what I set out to do.

So this is the first day of my newest endeavor. I'm going to follow along the lines of Ed Dale's even though it's over. My understanding is that the site will remain up so that we can begin any time.